
/TensorFlow Python

tf.trace(x, name=None)

tf.trace(x, name=None)

See the guide: Math > Matrix Math Functions

Compute the trace of a tensor x.

trace(x) returns the sum along the main diagonal of each inner-most matrix in x. If x is of rank k with shape [I, J, K, ..., L, M, N], then output is a tensor of rank k-2 with dimensions [I, J, K, ..., L] where

output[i, j, k, ..., l] = trace(x[i, j, i, ..., l, :, :])

For example:

# 'x' is [[1, 2],
#         [3, 4]]
tf.trace(x) ==> 5

# 'x' is [[1,2,3],
#         [4,5,6],
#         [7,8,9]]
tf.trace(x) ==> 15

# 'x' is [[[1,2,3],
#          [4,5,6],
#          [7,8,9]],
#         [[-1,-2,-3],
#          [-4,-5,-6],
#          [-7,-8,-9]]]
tf.trace(x) ==> [15,-15]


  • x: tensor.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).


The trace of input tensor.

Defined in tensorflow/python/ops/math_ops.py.

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