
/TensorFlow Python

tf.sparse_retain(sp_input, to_retain)

tf.sparse_retain(sp_input, to_retain)

See the guide: Sparse Tensors > Manipulation

Retains specified non-empty values within a SparseTensor.

For example, if sp_input has shape [4, 5] and 4 non-empty string values:

[0, 1]: a
[0, 3]: b
[2, 0]: c
[3, 1]: d

and to_retain = [True, False, False, True], then the output will be a SparseTensor of shape [4, 5] with 2 non-empty values:

[0, 1]: a
[3, 1]: d


  • sp_input: The input SparseTensor with N non-empty elements.
  • to_retain: A bool vector of length N with M true values.


A SparseTensor with the same shape as the input and M non-empty elements corresponding to the true positions in to_retain.


  • TypeError: If sp_input is not a SparseTensor.

Defined in tensorflow/python/ops/sparse_ops.py.

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