
/Symfony 2.7


class File extends SplFileInfo

A file in the file system.


__construct(string $path, bool $checkPath = true)

Constructs a new file from the given path.

string|null guessExtension()

Returns the extension based on the mime type.

string|null getMimeType()

Returns the mime type of the file.

string getExtension()

Returns the extension of the file.

File move(string $directory, string $name = null)

Moves the file to a new location.


public __construct(string $path, bool $checkPath = true)

Constructs a new file from the given path.


string $path The path to the file
bool $checkPath Whether to check the path or not


FileNotFoundException If the given path is not a file

public string|null guessExtension()

Returns the extension based on the mime type.

If the mime type is unknown, returns null.

This method uses the mime type as guessed by getMimeType() to guess the file extension.

Return Value

string|null The guessed extension or null if it cannot be guessed

See also


public string|null getMimeType()

Returns the mime type of the file.

The mime type is guessed using a MimeTypeGuesser instance, which uses finfo(), mimecontenttype() and the system binary "file" (in this order), depending on which of those are available.

Return Value

string|null The guessed mime type (i.e. "application/pdf")

See also


public string getExtension()

Returns the extension of the file.

\SplFileInfo::getExtension() is not available before PHP 5.3.6

Return Value

string The extension

public File move(string $directory, string $name = null)

Moves the file to a new location.


string $directory The destination folder
string $name The new file name

Return Value

File A File object representing the new file


FileException if the target file could not be created

© 2004–2016 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.