

kinesis_stream - Manage a Kinesis Stream.

New in version 2.2.


Create or Delete a Kinesis Stream. Update the retention period of a Kinesis Stream. Update Tags on a Kinesis Stream.

Requirements (on host that executes module)

  • python >= 2.6
  • boto


parameter required default choices comments
AWS access key. If not set then the value of the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_ACCESS_KEY or EC2_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is used.
aliases: ec2_access_key, access_key
AWS secret key. If not set then the value of the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY, or EC2_SECRET_KEY environment variable is used.
aliases: ec2_secret_key, secret_key
Url to use to connect to EC2 or your Eucalyptus cloud (by default the module will use EC2 endpoints). Ignored for modules where region is required. Must be specified for all other modules if region is not used. If not set then the value of the EC2_URL environment variable, if any, is used.
yes None
The name of the Kinesis Stream you are managing.
(added in 1.6)
Uses a boto profile. Only works with boto >= 2.24.0.
The AWS region to use. If not specified then the value of the AWS_REGION or EC2_REGION environment variable, if any, is used. See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#ec2_region
aliases: aws_region, ec2_region
no None
The default retention period is 24 hours and can not be less than 24 hours.
The retention period can be modified during any point in time.
(added in 1.6)
AWS STS security token. If not set then the value of the AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN or EC2_SECURITY_TOKEN environment variable is used.
aliases: access_token
no None
The number of shards you want to have with this stream. This can not be modified after being created.
This is required when state == present
no present
  • present
  • absent
Create or Delete the Kinesis Stream.
A dictionary of resource tags of the form: { tag1: value1, tag2: value2 }.
aliases: resource_tags
(added in 1.5)
no yes
  • yes
  • no
When set to "no", SSL certificates will not be validated for boto versions >= 2.6.0.
no True
Wait for operation to complete before returning.
no 300
How many seconds to wait for an operation to complete before timing out.


# Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the AWS Guide for details.

# Basic creation example:
- name: Set up Kinesis Stream with 10 shards and wait for the stream to become ACTIVE
    name: test-stream
    shards: 10
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 600
  register: test_stream

# Basic creation example with tags:
- name: Set up Kinesis Stream with 10 shards, tag the environment, and wait for the stream to become ACTIVE
    name: test-stream
    shards: 10
      Env: development
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 600
  register: test_stream

# Basic creation example with tags and increase the retention period from the default 24 hours to 48 hours:
- name: Set up Kinesis Stream with 10 shards, tag the environment, increase the retention period and wait for the stream to become ACTIVE
    name: test-stream
    retention_period: 48
    shards: 10
      Env: development
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 600
  register: test_stream

# Basic delete example:
- name: Delete Kinesis Stream test-stream and wait for it to finish deleting.
    name: test-stream
    state: absent
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 600
  register: test_stream

Return Values

Common return values are documented here Common Return Values, the following are the fields unique to this module:

name description returned type sample
stream_status The current state of the Kinesis Stream. when state == present. string ACTIVE
stream_name The name of the Kinesis Stream. when state == present. string test-stream
retention_period_hours Number of hours messages will be kept for a Kinesis Stream. when state == present. int 24
stream_arn The amazon resource identifier when state == present. string arn:aws:kinesis:east-side:123456789:stream/test-stream
tags Dictionary containing all the tags associated with the Kinesis stream. when state == present. dict {'Name': 'Splunk', 'Env': 'development'}



If parameters are not set within the module, the following environment variables can be used in decreasing order of precedence AWS_URL or EC2_URL, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_ACCESS_KEY or EC2_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or AWS_SECRET_KEY or EC2_SECRET_KEY, AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN or EC2_SECURITY_TOKEN, AWS_REGION or EC2_REGION


Ansible uses the boto configuration file (typically ~/.boto) if no credentials are provided. See http://boto.readthedocs.org/en/latest/boto_config_tut.html


AWS_REGION or EC2_REGION can be typically be used to specify the AWS region, when required, but this can also be configured in the boto config file

This is an Extras Module

For more information on what this means please read Extras Modules

For help in developing on modules, should you be so inclined, please read Community Information & Contributing, developing_test_pr and Developing Modules.

© 2012–2016 Michael DeHaan
© 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.