

ec2_lc_find - Find AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations

New in version 2.2.


Returns list of matching Launch Configurations for a given name, along with other useful information Results can be sorted and sliced It depends on boto Based on the work by Tom Bamford (https://github.com/tombamford)

Requirements (on host that executes module)

  • python >= 2.6
  • boto3


parameter required default choices comments
How many results to show.
Corresponds to Python slice notation like list[:limit].
A Launch Configuration to match
It'll be compiled as regex
The AWS region to use.
aliases: aws_region, ec2_region
no ascending
  • ascending
  • descending
Order in which to sort results.


# Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the AWS Guide for details.

# Search for the Launch Configurations that start with "app"
- ec2_lc_find:
    name_regex: app.*
    sort_order: descending
    limit: 2

Return Values

Common return values are documented here Common Return Values, the following are the fields unique to this module:

name description returned type sample
ram_disk_id Launch Configuration ram disk property when Launch Configuration was found string
name Name of the AMI when Launch Configuration was found string myapp-v123
image_id AMI id when Launch Configuration was found string ami-0d75df7e
kernel_id Launch Configuration kernel to use when Launch Configuration was found string
ebs_optimized Launch Configuration EBS optimized property when Launch Configuration was found boolean False
user_data User data used to start instance when Launch Configuration was found string
instance_type Type of ec2 instance when Launch Configuration was found string t2.small
keyname Launch Configuration ssh key when Launch Configuration was found string mykey
arn Name of the AMI when Launch Configuration was found string arn:aws:autoscaling:eu-west-1:12345:launchConfiguration:d82f050e-e315:launchConfigurationName/yourproject
associate_public_address Assign public address or not when Launch Configuration was found boolean True
created_time When it was created when Launch Configuration was found string 2016-06-29T14:59:22.222000+00:00
instance_monitoring Launch Configuration instance monitoring property when Launch Configuration was found string {'Enabled': False}
classic_link_vpc_security_groups Launch Configuration classic link vpc security groups property when Launch Configuration was found list []
security_groups Launch Configuration security groups when Launch Configuration was found list []
block_device_mappings Launch Configuration block device mappings property when Launch Configuration was found list []

This is an Extras Module

For more information on what this means please read Extras Modules

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© 2012–2016 Michael DeHaan
© 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.