
/TensorFlow Python


class tf.contrib.rnn.FusedRNNCell

See the guide: RNN and Cells (contrib) > Core RNN Cell wrappers (RNNCells that wrap other RNNCells)

Abstract object representing a fused RNN cell.

A fused RNN cell represents the entire RNN expanded over the time dimension. In effect, this represents an entire recurrent network.

Unlike RNN cells which are subclasses of rnn_cell.RNNCell, a FusedRNNCell operates on the entire time sequence at once, by putting the loop over time inside the cell. This usually leads to much more efficient, but more complex and less flexible implementations.

Every FusedRNNCell must implement __call__ with the following signature.

Class Members


Defined in tensorflow/contrib/rnn/python/ops/fused_rnn_cell.py.

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