
/TensorFlow Python

tf.contrib.layers.input_from_feature_columns(columns_to_tensors, feature_columns, weight_collections=None, trainable=True, scope=None)

tf.contrib.layers.input_from_feature_columns(columns_to_tensors, feature_columns, weight_collections=None, trainable=True, scope=None)

See the guide: Layers (contrib) > Feature columns

A tf.contrib.layer style input layer builder based on FeatureColumns.

Generally a single example in training data is described with feature columns. At the first layer of the model, this column oriented data should be converted to a single tensor. Each feature column needs a different kind of operation during this conversion. For example sparse features need a totally different handling than continuous features.


# Building model for training
columns_to_tensor = tf.parse_example(...)
first_layer = input_from_feature_columns(
second_layer = fully_connected(inputs=first_layer, ...)

where feature_columns can be defined as follows:

sparse_feature = sparse_column_with_hash_bucket(
    column_name="sparse_col", ...)
sparse_feature_emb = embedding_column(sparse_id_column=sparse_feature, ...)
real_valued_feature = real_valued_column(...)
real_valued_buckets = bucketized_column(
    source_column=real_valued_feature, ...)

feature_columns=[sparse_feature_emb, real_valued_buckets]


  • columns_to_tensors: A mapping from feature column to tensors. 'string' key means a base feature (not-transformed). It can have FeatureColumn as a key too. That means that FeatureColumn is already transformed by input pipeline. For example, inflow may have handled transformations.
  • feature_columns: A set containing all the feature columns. All items in the set should be instances of classes derived by FeatureColumn.
  • weight_collections: List of graph collections to which weights are added.
  • trainable: If True also add variables to the graph collection GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES (see tf.Variable).
  • scope: Optional scope for variable_scope.


A Tensor which can be consumed by hidden layers in the neural network.


  • ValueError: if FeatureColumn cannot be consumed by a neural network.

Defined in tensorflow/contrib/layers/python/layers/feature_column_ops.py.

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