
/TensorFlow Python

Module: tf.contrib.framework

Module tf.contrib.framework

Framework utilities. See the Framework (contrib) guide.


class VariableDeviceChooser: Device chooser for variables.

add_arg_scope(...): Decorates a function with args so it can be used within an arg_scope.

add_model_variable(...): Adds a variable to the GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES collection.

arg_scope(...): Stores the default arguments for the given set of list_ops.

arg_scoped_arguments(...): Returns the list kwargs that arg_scope can set for a func.


assert_or_get_global_step(...): Verifies that a global step tensor is valid or gets one if None is given.

assert_same_float_dtype(...): Validate and return float type based on tensors and dtype.


assert_scalar_int(...): Assert tensor is 0-D, of type tf.int32 or tf.int64.

assign_from_checkpoint(...): Creates an operation to assign specific variables from a checkpoint.

assign_from_checkpoint_fn(...): Returns a function that assigns specific variables from a checkpoint.

assign_from_values(...): Creates an assignment operation from a given mapping.

assign_from_values_fn(...): Returns a function that assigns specific variables from the given values.

convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor(...): Converts value to a SparseTensor or Tensor.

create_global_step(...): Create global step tensor in graph.

deprecated(...): Decorator for marking functions or methods deprecated.

deprecated_arg_values(...): Decorator for marking specific function argument values as deprecated.

deprecated_args(...): Decorator for marking specific function arguments as deprecated.

filter_variables(...): Filter a list of variables using regular expressions.


get_graph_from_inputs(...): Returns the appropriate graph to use for the given inputs.

get_local_variables(...): Gets the list of local variables, filtered by scope and/or suffix.

get_model_variables(...): Gets the list of model variables, filtered by scope and/or suffix.

get_or_create_global_step(...): Returns and create (if necessary) the global step variable.

get_unique_variable(...): Gets the variable uniquely identified by that var_op_name.

get_variables(...): Gets the list of variables, filtered by scope and/or suffix.

get_variables_by_name(...): Gets the list of variables that were given that name.

get_variables_by_suffix(...): Gets the list of variables that end with the given suffix.

get_variables_to_restore(...): Gets the list of the variables to restore.

has_arg_scope(...): Checks whether a func has been decorated with @add_arg_scope or not.

init_from_checkpoint(...): Using assingment map initializes current variables with loaded tensors.

is_tensor(...): Check for tensor types.

list_variables(...): Returns list of all variables in the latest checkpoint.

load_checkpoint(...): Returns CheckpointReader for latest checkpoint.

load_variable(...): Returns a Tensor with the contents of the given variable in the checkpoint.

local_variable(...): Create variable and add it to GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES collection.

model_variable(...): Gets an existing model variable with these parameters or creates a new one.

reduce_sum_n(...): Reduce tensors to a scalar sum.

remove_squeezable_dimensions(...): Squeeze last dim if ranks of predictions and labels differ by 1.

variable(...): Gets an existing variable with these parameters or creates a new one.

with_same_shape(...): Assert tensors are the same shape, from the same graph.

with_shape(...): Asserts tensor has expected shape.

zero_initializer(...): Initialize 'ref' with all zeros, ref tensor should be uninitialized.

Defined in tensorflow/contrib/framework/__init__.py.

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