
/Symfony 3.2


class PhpBridgeSessionStorage extends NativeSessionStorage

Allows session to be started by PHP and managed by Symfony.


__construct(AbstractProxy|NativeSessionHandler|SessionHandlerInterface|null $handler = null, MetadataBag $metaBag = null)


AbstractProxy getSaveHandler()

Gets the save handler instance.

from NativeSessionStorage
bool start()

Starts the session.

string getId()

Returns the session ID.

from NativeSessionStorage
setId(string $id)

Sets the session ID.

from NativeSessionStorage
mixed getName()

Returns the session name.

from NativeSessionStorage
setName(string $name)

Sets the session name.

from NativeSessionStorage
bool regenerate(bool $destroy = false, int $lifetime = null)

Regenerates id that represents this storage.

from NativeSessionStorage

Force the session to be saved and closed.

from NativeSessionStorage

Clear all session data in memory.

registerBag(SessionBagInterface $bag)

Registers a SessionBagInterface for use.

from NativeSessionStorage
SessionBagInterface getBag(string $name)

Gets a SessionBagInterface by name.

from NativeSessionStorage
setMetadataBag(MetadataBag $metaBag = null)

Sets the MetadataBag.

from NativeSessionStorage
MetadataBag getMetadataBag()

Gets the MetadataBag.

from NativeSessionStorage
bool isStarted()

Checks if the session is started.

from NativeSessionStorage
setOptions(array $options)

Sets session.* ini variables.

from NativeSessionStorage
setSaveHandler(AbstractProxy|NativeSessionHandler|SessionHandlerInterface|null $saveHandler = null)

Registers session save handler as a PHP session handler.

from NativeSessionStorage


__construct(AbstractProxy|NativeSessionHandler|SessionHandlerInterface|null $handler = null, MetadataBag $metaBag = null)



AbstractProxy|NativeSessionHandler|SessionHandlerInterface|null $handler
MetadataBag $metaBag MetadataBag.

AbstractProxy getSaveHandler()

Gets the save handler instance.

Return Value


bool start()

Starts the session.

Return Value

bool True if started.


RuntimeException If something goes wrong starting the session.

string getId()

Returns the session ID.

Return Value

string The session ID or empty.

setId(string $id)

Sets the session ID.


string $id

mixed getName()

Returns the session name.

Return Value

mixed The session name.

setName(string $name)

Sets the session name.


string $name

bool regenerate(bool $destroy = false, int $lifetime = null)

Regenerates id that represents this storage.

This method must invoke sessionregenerateid($destroy) unless this interface is used for a storage object designed for unit or functional testing where a real PHP session would interfere with testing.

Note regenerate+destroy should not clear the session data in memory only delete the session data from persistent storage.

Care: When regenerating the session ID no locking is involved in PHPs session design. See https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61470 for a discussion. So you must make sure the regenerated session is saved BEFORE sending the headers with the new ID. Symfonys HttpKernel offers a listener for this. See Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SaveSessionListener. Otherwise session data could get lost again for concurrent requests with the new ID. One result could be that you get logged out after just logging in.


bool $destroy Destroy session when regenerating?
int $lifetime Sets the cookie lifetime for the session cookie. A null value will leave the system settings unchanged, 0 sets the cookie to expire with browser session. Time is in seconds, and is not a Unix timestamp.

Return Value

bool True if session regenerated, false if error


RuntimeException If an error occurs while regenerating this storage


Force the session to be saved and closed.

This method must invoke sessionwriteclose() unless this interface is used for a storage object design for unit or functional testing where a real PHP session would interfere with testing, in which case it it should actually persist the session data if required.


RuntimeException If the session is saved without being started, or if the session is already closed.


Clear all session data in memory.

registerBag(SessionBagInterface $bag)

Registers a SessionBagInterface for use.


SessionBagInterface $bag

SessionBagInterface getBag(string $name)

Gets a SessionBagInterface by name.


string $name

Return Value



InvalidArgumentException If the bag does not exist

setMetadataBag(MetadataBag $metaBag = null)

Sets the MetadataBag.


MetadataBag $metaBag

MetadataBag getMetadataBag()

Gets the MetadataBag.

Return Value


bool isStarted()

Checks if the session is started.

Return Value

bool True if started, false otherwise.

setOptions(array $options)

Sets session.* ini variables.

For convenience we omit 'session.' from the beginning of the keys. Explicitly ignores other ini keys.


array $options Session ini directives array(key => value).

See also


setSaveHandler(AbstractProxy|NativeSessionHandler|SessionHandlerInterface|null $saveHandler = null)

Registers session save handler as a PHP session handler.

To use internal PHP session save handlers, override this method using iniset with session.savehandler and session.save_path e.g.

ini_set('session.save_handler', 'files');
ini_set('session.save_path', /tmp');

or pass in a NativeSessionHandler instance which configures session.save_handler in the constructor, for a template see NativeFileSessionHandler or use handlers in composer package drak/native-session


AbstractProxy|NativeSessionHandler|SessionHandlerInterface|null $saveHandler



See also
