
/Symfony 2.8


interface ResourceInterface

ResourceInterface is the interface that must be implemented by all Resource classes.


string __toString()

Returns a string representation of the Resource.

bool isFresh(int $timestamp)

Returns true if the resource has not been updated since the given timestamp.

mixed getResource()

Returns the tied resource.


public string __toString()

Returns a string representation of the Resource.

This method is necessary to allow for resource de-duplication, for example by means of array_unique(). The string returned need not have a particular meaning, but has to be identical for different ResourceInterface instances referring to the same resource; and it should be unlikely to collide with that of other, unrelated resource instances.

Return Value

string A string representation unique to the underlying Resource

public bool isFresh(int $timestamp)

Returns true if the resource has not been updated since the given timestamp.


int $timestamp The last time the resource was loaded

Return Value

bool True if the resource has not been updated, false otherwise

public mixed getResource()

Returns the tied resource.

Return Value

mixed The resource

© 2004–2016 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.