
/Symfony 2.7


interface BundleInterface implements ContainerAwareInterface



setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null)

Sets the Container.

from ContainerAwareInterface

Boots the Bundle.


Shutdowns the Bundle.

build(ContainerBuilder $container)

Builds the bundle.

ExtensionInterface|null getContainerExtension()

Returns the container extension that should be implicitly loaded.

string getParent()

Returns the bundle name that this bundle overrides.

string getName()

Returns the bundle name (the class short name).

string getNamespace()

Gets the Bundle namespace.

string getPath()

Gets the Bundle directory path.


public setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null)

Sets the Container.


ContainerInterface $container A ContainerInterface instance or null

public boot()

Boots the Bundle.

public shutdown()

Shutdowns the Bundle.

public build(ContainerBuilder $container)

Builds the bundle.

It is only ever called once when the cache is empty.


ContainerBuilder $container A ContainerBuilder instance

public ExtensionInterface|null getContainerExtension()

Returns the container extension that should be implicitly loaded.

Return Value

ExtensionInterface|null The default extension or null if there is none

public string getParent()

Returns the bundle name that this bundle overrides.

Despite its name, this method does not imply any parent/child relationship between the bundles, just a way to extend and override an existing bundle.

Return Value

string The Bundle name it overrides or null if no parent

public string getName()

Returns the bundle name (the class short name).

Return Value

string The Bundle name

public string getNamespace()

Gets the Bundle namespace.

Return Value

string The Bundle namespace

public string getPath()

Gets the Bundle directory path.

The path should always be returned as a Unix path (with /).

Return Value

string The Bundle absolute path

© 2004–2016 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.