Networking primitives for TCP/UDP communication.
AddrParseError | An error returned when parsing an IP address or a socket address. |
Incoming | An infinite iterator over the connections from a |
Ipv4Addr | Representation of an IPv4 address. |
Ipv6Addr | Representation of an IPv6 address. |
SocketAddrV4 | An IPv4 socket address which is a (ip, port) combination. |
SocketAddrV6 | An IPv6 socket address. |
TcpListener | A structure representing a socket server. |
TcpStream | A structure which represents a TCP stream between a local socket and a remote socket. |
UdpSocket | A User Datagram Protocol socket. |
LookupHost | [ Experimental ] An iterator over |
IpAddr | An IP address, either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
Shutdown | Possible values which can be passed to the |
SocketAddr | Representation of a socket address for networking applications. |
Ipv6MulticastScope | [ Experimental ] |
ToSocketAddrs | A trait for objects which can be converted or resolved to one or more |
lookup_host | [ Experimental ] Resolve the host specified by |
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