
/Haxe Neko


package neko

Available on macro, neko

Platform-specific Neko Library. Provides some platform-specific functions for the Neko target, such as conversion from Haxe types to native types and vice-versa.

Static methods

static inline bytesReference (s:String):Bytes

Returns bytes referencing the content of a string.

static getClasses ():Dynamic

Returns an object containing all compiled packages and classes.

static haxeToNeko (v:Dynamic):Dynamic

Converts a Haxe value to its Neko equivalent. Used to unwrap String and Arrays Objects into raw Neko values.

static load (lib:String, prim:String, nargs:Int):Dynamic

Load and return a Neko primitive from a NDLL library.

static loadLazy (lib:String, prim:String, nargs:Int):Dynamic

static localUnserialize (s:Bytes):Dynamic

Unserialize a string using native Neko serialization. See serialize. This function assume that all the serialized data was serialized with current module, even if the module name was different. This can happen if you are unserializing some data into mod_neko that was serialized on a different server using a different file path.

static nekoToHaxe (v:Dynamic):Dynamic

Converts a Neko value to its Haxe equivalent. Used for wrapping String and Arrays raw values into Haxe Objects.

static print (v:Dynamic):Void

Print the specified value on the default output.

static println (v:Dynamic):Void

Print the specified value on the default output followed by a newline character.

static rethrow (e:Dynamic):Dynamic

Rethrow an exception. This is useful when manually filtering an exception in order to keep the previous exception stack.

static serialize (v:Dynamic):Bytes

Serialize using native Neko serialization. This will return a Binary string that can be stored for long term usage. The serialized data is optimized for speed and not for size.

static inline stringReference (b:Bytes):String

Returns a string referencing the data contains in bytes.

static unserialize (s:Bytes):Dynamic

Unserialize a string using native Neko serialization. See serialize.

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