A test case class intended to make integration tests of your controllers easier.
This test class provides a number of helper methods and features that make dispatching requests and checking their responses simpler. It favours full integration tests over mock objects as you can test more of your code easily and avoid some of the maintenance pitfalls that mock objects create.
protected array|null
protected string|null
protected $_cookie
protected array
protected null|string
protected boolean
Boolean flag for whether or not the request should have a CSRF token added.
protected Exception|null
protected string|null
protected array
protected Cake\Network\Session|null
protected Cake\Http\Response|null
protected boolean
Boolean flag for whether or not the request should have a SecurityComponent token added.
protected array
protected boolean
Track whether or not tests are run against the PSR7 HTTP stack.
protected string|null
Asserts cookie values which are encrypted by the CookieComponent.
Calling this method will enable a SecurityComponent compatible token to be added to request data. This lets you easily test actions protected by SecurityComponent.
_addTokens( string $url , array $data )
Add the CSRF and Security Component tokens if necessary.
_assertStatus( integer $min , integer $max , string $message )
Helper method for status assertions.
_buildRequest( string|array $url , string $method , array|null $data )
Creates a request object with the configured options and parameters.
_getBodyAsString( )
Get the response body as string
_getCookieEncryptionKey( )
Returns the encryption key to be used.
_handleError( Exception $exception )
Attempts to render an error response for a given exception.
This method will attempt to use the configured exception renderer. If that class does not exist, the built-in renderer will be used.
_makeDispatcher( )
Get the correct dispatcher instance.
_sendRequest( string|array $url , string $method , array|null $data [] )
Creates and send the request into a Dispatcher instance.
Receives and stores the response for future inspection.
optional [] _url( string|array $url )
Creates a valid request url and parameter array more like Request::_url()
assertContentType( string $type , string $message '' )
Asserts content type
optional '' assertCookie( string $expected , string $name , string $message '' )
Asserts cookie values
optional '' assertCookieEncrypted( string $expected , string $name , string|boolean $encrypt 'aes' , string|null $key null , string $message '' )
Asserts cookie values which are encrypted by the CookieComponent.
The difference from assertCookie() is this decrypts the cookie value like the CookieComponent for this assertion.
optional 'aes' $key
optional null Encryption key used. Defaults to Security.salt.
optional '' assertCookieNotSet( string $cookie , string $message '' )
Asserts a cookie has not been set in the response
optional '' assertFileResponse( string $expected , string $message '' )
Asserts that a file with the given name was sent in the response
optional '' assertHeader( string $header , string $content , string $message '' )
Asserts response headers
optional '' assertHeaderContains( string $header , string $content , string $message '' )
Asserts response header contains a string
optional '' assertLayout( string $content , string $message '' )
Asserts that the search string was in the layout name.
optional '' assertNoRedirect( string $message '' )
Asserts that the Location header is not set.
optional '' assertRedirect( string|array|null $url null , string $message '' )
Asserts that the Location header is correct.
optional null The URL you expected the client to go to. This can either be a string URL or an array compatible with Router::url(). Use null to simply check for the existence of this header.
optional '' assertRedirectContains( string $url , string $message '' )
Asserts that the Location header contains a substring
optional '' assertResponseCode( integer $code )
Asserts a specific response status code.
assertResponseContains( string $content , string $message '' )
Asserts content exists in the response body.
optional '' assertResponseEmpty( string $message '' )
Assert response content is empty.
optional '' assertResponseEquals( mixed $content , string $message '' )
Asserts content exists in the response body.
optional '' assertResponseError( )
Asserts that the response status code is in the 4xx range.
assertResponseFailure( )
Asserts that the response status code is in the 5xx range.
assertResponseNotContains( string $content , string $message '' )
Asserts content does not exist in the response body.
optional '' assertResponseNotEmpty( string $message '' )
Assert response content is not empty.
optional '' assertResponseNotRegExp( string $pattern , string $message '' )
Asserts that the response body does not match a given regular expression.
optional '' assertResponseOk( )
Asserts that the response status code is in the 2xx range.
assertResponseRegExp( string $pattern , string $message '' )
Asserts that the response body matches a given regular expression.
optional '' assertResponseSuccess( )
Asserts that the response status code is in the 2xx/3xx range.
assertSession( string $expected , string $path , string $message '' )
Asserts session contents
optional '' assertTemplate( string $content , string $message '' )
Asserts that the search string was in the template name.
optional '' configApplication( string $class , array|null $constructorArgs )
Configure the application class to use in integration tests.
Combined with useHttpServer()
to customize the class name and constructor arguments of your application class.
configRequest( array $data )
Configures the data for the next request.
This data is cleared in the tearDown() method.
You can call this method multiple times to append into the current state.
controllerSpy( Cake\Event\Event $event , Cake\Controller\Controller|null $controller null )
Adds additional event spies to the controller/view event manager.
|null $controller
optional null cookie( string $name , mixed $value )
Sets a request cookie for future requests.
This method lets you configure the session data you want to be used for requests that follow. The session state is reset in each tearDown().
You can call this method multiple times to append into the current state.
cookieEncrypted( string $name , mixed $value , string|boolean $encrypt 'aes' , string|null $key null )
Sets a encrypted request cookie for future requests.
The difference from cookie() is this encrypts the cookie value like the CookieComponent.
optional 'aes' $key
optional null Encryption key used. Defaults to Security.salt.
delete( string|array $url )
Performs a DELETE request using the current request data.
The response of the dispatched request will be stored as a property. You can use various assert methods to check the response.
enableCsrfToken( )
Calling this method will add a CSRF token to the request.
Both the POST data and cookie will be populated when this option is enabled. The default parameter names will be used.
enableSecurityToken( )
Calling this method will enable a SecurityComponent compatible token to be added to request data. This lets you easily test actions protected by SecurityComponent.
get( string|array $url )
Performs a GET request using the current request data.
The response of the dispatched request will be stored as a property. You can use various assert methods to check the response.
patch( string|array $url , array $data [] )
Performs a PATCH request using the current request data.
The response of the dispatched request will be stored as a property. You can use various assert methods to check the response.
optional [] post( string|array $url , array $data [] )
Performs a POST request using the current request data.
The response of the dispatched request will be stored as a property. You can use various assert methods to check the response.
optional [] put( string|array $url , array $data [] )
Performs a PUT request using the current request data.
The response of the dispatched request will be stored as a property. You can use various assert methods to check the response.
optional [] session( array $data )
Sets session data.
This method lets you configure the session data you want to be used for requests that follow. The session state is reset in each tearDown().
You can call this method multiple times to append into the current state.
setUp( )
Auto-detect if the HTTP middleware stack should be used.
tearDown( )
Clears the state used for requests.
useHttpServer( boolean $enable )
Toggle whether or not you want to use the HTTP Server stack.
viewVariable( string $name )
Fetches a view variable by name.
If the view variable does not exist, null will be returned.
_assertAttributes( array $assertions , string $string , boolean $fullDebug false , array|string $regex '' )
Check the attributes as part of an assertTags() check.
optional false $regex
optional '' assertHtml
_normalizePath( string $path )
Normalize a path for comparison.
assertEventFired( string $name , Cake\Event\EventManager|null $eventManager null , string $message '' )
Asserts that a global event was fired. You must track events in your event manager for this assertion to work
|null $eventManager
optional null $message
optional '' assertEventFiredWith( string $name , string $dataKey , string $dataValue , Cake\Event\EventManager|null $eventManager null , string $message '' )
Asserts an event was fired with data
If a third argument is passed, that value is used to compare with the value in $dataKey
|null $eventManager
optional null $message
optional '' assertHtml( array $expected , string $string , boolean $fullDebug false )
Asserts HTML tags.
Takes an array $expected and generates a regex from it to match the provided $string. Samples for $expected:
Checks for an input tag with a name attribute (contains any non-empty value) and an id attribute that contains 'my-input':
['input' => ['name', 'id' => 'my-input']]
Checks for two p elements with some text in them:
[ ['p' => true], 'textA', '/p', ['p' => true], 'textB', '/p' ]
You can also specify a pattern expression as part of the attribute values, or the tag being defined, if you prepend the value with preg: and enclose it with slashes, like so:
[ ['input' => ['name', 'id' => 'preg:/FieldName\d+/']], 'preg:/My\s+field/' ]
Important: This function is very forgiving about whitespace and also accepts any permutation of attribute order. It will also allow whitespace between specified tags.
optional false assertNotWithinRange( float $expected , float $result , float $margin , string $message '' )
Compatibility function to test if a value is not between an acceptable range.
optional '' assertPathEquals( string $expected , string $result , string $message '' )
Compatibility function to test paths.
optional '' assertTags( string $string , array $expected , boolean $fullDebug false )
Asserts HTML tags.
optional false assertTextContains( string $needle , string $haystack , string $message '' , boolean $ignoreCase false )
Assert that a string contains another string, ignoring differences in newlines. Helpful for doing cross platform tests of blocks of text.
optional '' $ignoreCase
optional false assertTextEndsNotWith( string $suffix , string $string , string $message '' )
Asserts that a string ends not with a given prefix, ignoring differences in newlines. Helpful for doing cross platform tests of blocks of text.
optional '' assertTextEndsWith( string $suffix , string $string , string $message '' )
Asserts that a string ends with a given prefix, ignoring differences in newlines. Helpful for doing cross platform tests of blocks of text.
optional '' assertTextEquals( string $expected , string $result , string $message '' )
Assert text equality, ignoring differences in newlines. Helpful for doing cross platform tests of blocks of text.
optional '' assertTextNotContains( string $needle , string $haystack , string $message '' , boolean $ignoreCase false )
Assert that a text doesn't contain another text, ignoring differences in newlines. Helpful for doing cross platform tests of blocks of text.
optional '' $ignoreCase
optional false assertTextNotEquals( string $expected , string $result , string $message '' )
Assert text equality, ignoring differences in newlines. Helpful for doing cross platform tests of blocks of text.
optional '' assertTextStartsNotWith( string $prefix , string $string , string $message '' )
Asserts that a string starts not with a given prefix, ignoring differences in newlines. Helpful for doing cross platform tests of blocks of text.
optional '' assertTextStartsWith( string $prefix , string $string , string $message '' )
Asserts that a string starts with a given prefix, ignoring differences in newlines. Helpful for doing cross platform tests of blocks of text.
optional '' assertWithinRange( float $expected , float $result , float $margin , string $message '' )
Compatibility function to test if a value is between an acceptable range.
optional '' getMockForModel( string $alias , array $methods [] , array $options [] )
Mock a model, maintain fixtures and table association
optional [] $options
optional [] Cake\ORM\Table
loadFixtures( )
Chooses which fixtures to load for a given test
Each parameter is a model name that corresponds to a fixture, i.e. 'Posts', 'Authors', etc.
skipIf( boolean $shouldSkip , string $message '' )
Overrides SimpleTestCase::skipIf to provide a boolean return value
optional '' skipUnless( boolean $condition , string $message '' )
Compatibility function for skipping.
optional '' _checkCipher( string $encrypt )
Helper method for validating encryption cipher names.
_decode( string $value , string|false $encrypt , string|null $key )
Decodes and decrypts a single value.
_decrypt( array $values , string|boolean $mode , string|null $key null )
Decrypts $value using public $type method in Security class
optional null _encrypt( string $value , string|boolean $encrypt , string|null $key null )
Encrypts $value using public $type method in Security class
Encryption mode to use. False disabled encryption.
optional null _explode( string $string )
Explode method to return array from string set in CookieComponent::_implode() Maintains reading backwards compatibility with 1.x CookieComponent::_implode().
_implode( array $array )
Implode method to keep keys are multidimensional arrays
_buildFieldToken( string $url , array $fields , array $unlockedFields [] )
Generate the token data for the provided inputs.
If set specifies the list of fields to use when generating the hash.
optional [] The list of fields that are excluded from field validation.
protected Cake\Controller\Controller
The controller used in the last request.
protected boolean
Boolean flag for whether or not the request should have a CSRF token added.
protected Cake\Network\Session
The session instance from the last request
protected boolean
Boolean flag for whether or not the request should have a SecurityComponent token added.
protected boolean
Track whether or not tests are run against the PSR7 HTTP stack.
© 2005–2017 The Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License.
CakePHP is a registered trademark of Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
We are not endorsed by or affiliated with CakePHP.