An entity represents a single result row from a repository. It exposes the methods for retrieving and storing properties associated in this row.
, _accessors
, _className
, _dirty
, _errors
, _hidden
, _invalid
, _new
, _original
, _properties
, _registryAlias
, _virtual
Initializes the internal properties of this entity out of the keys in an array. The following list of options can be used:
__construct( array $properties [] , array $options [] )
Initializes the internal properties of this entity out of the keys in an array. The following list of options can be used:
$entity = new Entity(['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Andrew'])
optional [] $options
optional [] __debugInfo( )
Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.
__get( string $property )
Magic getter to access properties that have been set in this entity
__isset( string $property )
Returns whether this entity contains a property named $property regardless of if it is empty.
__set( string $property , mixed $value )
Magic setter to add or edit a property in this entity
__toString( )
Returns a string representation of this object in a human readable format.
__unset( string $property )
Removes a property from this entity
_accessor( string $property , string $type )
Fetch accessor method name Accessor methods (available or not) are cached in $_accessors
_nestedErrors( string $field )
Auxiliary method for getting errors in nested entities
_readError( array|Cake\Datasource\EntityTrait $object , string|null $path null )
Read the error(s) from one or many objects.
optional null accessible( string|array $property , boolean|null $set null )
Stores whether or not a property value can be changed or set in this entity. The special property *
can also be marked as accessible or protected, meaning that any other property specified before will take its value. For example $entity->accessible('*', true)
means that any property not specified already will be accessible by default.
You can also call this method with an array of properties, in which case they will each take the accessibility value specified in the second argument.
$entity->accessible('id', true); // Mark id as not protected $entity->accessible('author_id', false); // Mark author_id as protected $entity->accessible(['id', 'user_id'], true); // Mark both properties as accessible $entity->accessible('*', false); // Mark all properties as protected
When called without the second param it will return whether or not the property can be set.
$entity->accessible('id'); // Returns whether it can be set or not
optional null true marks the property as accessible, false will mark it as protected.
clean( )
Sets the entire entity as clean, which means that it will appear as no properties being modified or added at all. This is an useful call for an initial object hydration
dirty( string|null $property null , null|boolean $isDirty null )
Sets the dirty status of a single property. If called with no second argument, it will return whether the property was modified or not after the object creation.
When called with no arguments it will return whether or not there are any dirty property in the entity
optional null $isDirty
optional null true means the property was changed, false means it was not changed and null will make the function return current state for that property
errors( string|array|null $field null , string|array|null $errors null , boolean $overwrite false )
Sets the error messages for a field or a list of fields. When called without the second argument it returns the validation errors for the specified fields. If called with no arguments it returns all the validation error messages stored in this entity and any other nested entity.
// Sets the error messages for a single field $entity->errors('salary', ['must be numeric', 'must be a positive number']); // Returns the error messages for a single field $entity->errors('salary'); // Returns all error messages indexed by field name $entity->errors(); // Sets the error messages for multiple fields at once $entity->errors(['salary' => ['message'], 'name' => ['another message']);
When used as a setter, this method will return this entity instance for method chaining.
optional null $errors
optional null $overwrite
optional false Cake\Datasource\EntityTrait
extract( array $properties , boolean $onlyDirty false )
Returns an array with the requested properties stored in this entity, indexed by property name
optional false extractOriginal( array $properties )
Returns an array with the requested original properties stored in this entity, indexed by property name.
Properties that are unchanged from their original value will be included in the return of this method.
extractOriginalChanged( array $properties )
Returns an array with only the original properties stored in this entity, indexed by property name.
This method will only return properties that have been modified since the entity was built. Unchanged properties will be omitted.
get( string $property )
Returns the value of a property by name
getError( string $field )
Returns validation errors of a field
getOriginal( string $property )
Returns the value of an original property by name
getOriginalValues( )
Gets all original values of the entity.
getSource( )
Returns the alias of the repository from which this entity came from.
has( string|array $property )
Returns whether this entity contains a property named $property that contains a non-null value.
$entity = new Entity(['id' => 1, 'name' => null]); $entity->has('id'); // true $entity->has('name'); // false $entity->has('last_name'); // false
You can check multiple properties by passing an array:
$entity->has(['name', 'last_name']);
All properties must not be null to get a truthy result.
When checking multiple properties. All properties must not be null in order for true to be returned.
hiddenProperties( null|array $properties null )
Get/Set the hidden properties on this entity.
If the properties argument is null, the currently hidden properties will be returned. Otherwise the hidden properties will be set.
optional null Cake\Datasource\EntityTrait
invalid( string|array|null $field null , mixed|null $value null , boolean $overwrite false )
Sets a field as invalid and not patchable into the entity.
This is useful for batch operations when one needs to get the original value for an error message after patching. This value could not be patched into the entity and is simply copied into the _invalid property for debugging purposes or to be able to log it away.
optional null $value
optional null $overwrite
optional false isAccessible( string $property )
Checks if a property is accessible
$entity->isAccessible('id'); // Returns whether it can be set or not
isDirty( string $property null )
Checks if the entity is dirty or if a single property of it is dirty.
optional null isNew( boolean|null $new null )
Returns whether or not this entity has already been persisted. This method can return null in the case there is no prior information on the status of this entity.
If called with a boolean it will set the known status of this instance, true means that the instance is not yet persisted in the database, false that it already is.
optional null jsonSerialize( )
Returns the properties that will be serialized as JSON
offsetExists( mixed $offset )
Implements isset($entity);
offsetGet( mixed $offset )
Implements $entity[$offset];
offsetSet( mixed $offset , mixed $value )
Implements $entity[$offset] = $value;
offsetUnset( mixed $offset )
Implements unset($result[$offset]);
set( string|array $property , mixed $value null , array $options [] )
Sets a single property inside this entity.
$entity->set('name', 'Andrew');
It is also possible to mass-assign multiple properties to this entity with one call by passing a hashed array as properties in the form of property => value pairs
$entity->set(['name' => 'andrew', 'id' => 1]); echo $entity->name // prints andrew echo $entity->id // prints 1
Some times it is handy to bypass setter functions in this entity when assigning properties. You can achieve this by disabling the setter
option using the $options
$entity->set('name', 'Andrew', ['setter' => false]); $entity->set(['name' => 'Andrew', 'id' => 1], ['setter' => false]);
Mass assignment should be treated carefully when accepting user input, by default entities will guard all fields when properties are assigned in bulk. You can disable the guarding for a single set call with the guard
$entity->set(['name' => 'Andrew', 'id' => 1], ['guard' => true]);
You do not need to use the guard option when assigning properties individually:
// No need to use the guard option. $entity->set('name', 'Andrew');
the name of property to set or a list of properties with their respective values
optional null The value to set to the property or an array if the first argument is also an array, in which case will be treated as $options
optional [] options to be used for setting the property. Allowed option keys are setter
and guard
setAccess( string|array $property , boolean $set )
Stores whether or not a property value can be changed or set in this entity. The special property *
can also be marked as accessible or protected, meaning that any other property specified before will take its value. For example $entity->accessible('*', true)
means that any property not specified already will be accessible by default.
You can also call this method with an array of properties, in which case they will each take the accessibility value specified in the second argument.
$entity->setAccess('id', true); // Mark id as not protected $entity->setAccess('author_id', false); // Mark author_id as protected $entity->setAccess(['id', 'user_id'], true); // Mark both properties as accessible $entity->setAccess('*', false); // Mark all properties as protected
true marks the property as accessible, false will mark it as protected.
setDirty( string $property , boolean $isDirty )
Sets the dirty status of a single property.
true means the property was changed, false means it was not changed
setError( string $field , string|array $errors , boolean $overwrite false )
Sets errors for a single field
// Sets the error messages for a single field $entity->errors('salary', ['must be numeric', 'must be a positive number']);
optional false setErrors( array $fields , boolean $overwrite false )
Sets error messages to the entity
// Sets the error messages for multiple fields at once $entity->errors(['salary' => ['message'], 'name' => ['another message']);
optional false setHidden( array $properties , boolean $merge false )
Sets hidden properties.
optional false setSource( string $alias )
Sets the source alias
setVirtual( array $properties , boolean $merge false )
Sets the virtual properties on this entity.
optional false source( string|null $alias null )
Returns the alias of the repository from which this entity came from.
If called with no arguments, it returns the alias of the repository this entity came from if it is known.
optional null Cake\Datasource\EntityTrait
toArray( )
Returns an array with all the properties that have been set to this entity
This method will recursively transform entities assigned to properties into arrays as well.
unsetProperty( string|array $property )
Removes a property or list of properties from this entity
$entity->unsetProperty('name'); $entity->unsetProperty(['name', 'last_name']);
virtualProperties( null|array $properties null )
Get/Set the virtual properties on this entity.
If the properties argument is null, the currently virtual properties will be returned. Otherwise the virtual properties will be set.
optional null Cake\Datasource\EntityTrait
visibleProperties( )
Get the list of visible properties.
The list of visible properties is all standard properties plus virtual properties minus hidden properties.
A list of properties that are 'visible' in all representations.
getError(), getErrors(), getHidden(), getSource(), getVirtual(), isAccessible(), isDirty(), setError(), setErrors() |
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