A container/collection for association classes.
Contains methods for managing associations, and ordering operations around saving and deleting.
protected Cascade a delete across the various associations. Cascade first across associations for which cascadeCallbacks is true.
Returns an associative array of association names out a mixed array. If true is passed, then it returns all association names in this collection.
_getNoCascadeItems( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity , array $options )
Returns items that have no cascade callback.
_save( Cake\ORM\Association $association , Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity , array $nested , array $options )
Helper method for saving an association's data.
_saveAssociations( Cake\ORM\Table $table , Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity , array $associations , array $options , boolean $owningSide )
Helper method for saving an association's data.
Compared with association classes' isOwningSide method.
add( string $alias , Cake\ORM\Association $association )
Add an association to the collection
If the alias added contains a .
the part preceding the .
will be dropped. This makes using plugins simpler as the Plugin.Class syntax is frequently used.
cascadeDelete( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity , array $options )
Cascade a delete across the various associations. Cascade first across associations for which cascadeCallbacks is true.
get( string $alias )
Fetch an attached association by name.
|nullgetByProperty( string $prop )
Fetch an association by property name.
|nullgetIterator( )
Allow looping through the associations
has( string $alias )
Check for an attached association by name.
normalizeKeys( boolean|array $keys )
Returns an associative array of association names out a mixed array. If true is passed, then it returns all association names in this collection.
remove( string $alias )
Drop/remove an association.
Once removed the association will not longer be reachable
removeAll( )
Remove all registered associations.
Once removed associations will not longer be reachable
saveChildren( Cake\ORM\Table $table , Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity , array $associations , array $options )
Save all the associations that are children of the given entity.
Child associations include any association where the given table is not the owning side.
The list of associations to save children from. associations not in this list will not be saved.
saveParents( Cake\ORM\Table $table , Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity , array $associations , array $options [] )
Save all the associations that are parents of the given entity.
Parent associations include any association where the given table is the owning side.
The list of associations to save parents from. associations not in this list will not be saved.
optional [] type( string|array $class )
Get an array of associations matching a specific type.
The type of associations you want. For example 'BelongsTo' or array like ['BelongsTo', 'HasOne']
_normalizeAssociations( array $associations )
Returns an array out of the original passed associations list where dot notation is transformed into nested arrays so that they can be parsed by other routines
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