Factory for making ServerRequest instances.
This subclass adds in CakePHP specific behavior to populate the basePath and webroot attributes. Furthermore the Uri's path is corrected to only contain the 'virtual' path for the request.
createUri( array $server [] )
Create a new Uri instance from the provided server data.
optional [] Array of server data to build the Uri from. $_SERVER will be added into the $server parameter.
fromGlobals( array $server null , array $query null , array $body null , array $cookies null , array $files null )
getBase( Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $uri , array $server )
Calculate the base directory and webroot directory.
marshalUriFromServer( array $server , array $headers )
Build a UriInterface object.
Add in some CakePHP specific logic/properties that help perserve backwards compatibility.
updatePath( string $base , Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $uri )
Updates the request URI to remove the base directory.
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