Represents a connection with a database server.
protected array
protected Driver object, responsible for creating the real connection and provide specific SQL dialect.
protected boolean
protected Cake\Database\Log\QueryLogger|null
protected $_transactionLevel
protected integer
protected boolean
protected boolean
Whether this connection can and should use savepoints for nested transactions.
Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.
Returns a new statement object that will log the activity for the passed original statement instance.
Compiles a Query object into a SQL string according to the dialect for this connection's driver
Sets the driver instance. If a string is passed it will be treated as a class name and will be instantiated.
Executes a query using $params for interpolating values and $types as a hint for each those params.
Sets the logger object instance. When called with no arguments it returns the currently setup logger instance.
Quotes a database identifier (a column name, table name, etc..) to be used safely in queries without the risk of using reserved words.
Executes the provided query after compiling it for the specific driver dialect and returns the executed Statement object.
Sets the driver instance. If a string is passed it will be treated as a class name and will be instantiated.
Returns whether the driver supports adding or dropping constraints to already created tables.
Executes a callable function inside a transaction, if any exception occurs while executing the passed callable, the transaction will be rolled back If the result of the callable function is false
, the transaction will also be rolled back. Otherwise the transaction is committed after executing the callback.
Returns whether this connection is using savepoints for nested transactions If a boolean is passed as argument it will enable/disable the usage of savepoints only if driver the allows it.
__construct( array $config )
__debugInfo( )
Returns an array that can be used to describe the internal state of this object.
__destruct( )
Disconnects the driver to release the connection.
_newLogger( Cake\Database\StatementInterface $statement )
Returns a new statement object that will log the activity for the passed original statement instance.
cacheMetadata( boolean|string $cache )
Enables or disables metadata caching for this connection
Changing this setting will not modify existing schema collections objects.
Either boolean false to disable metadata caching, or true to use _cake_model_
or the name of the cache config to use.
commit( )
Commits current transaction.
compileQuery( Cake\Database\Query $query , Cake\Database\ValueBinder $generator )
Compiles a Query object into a SQL string according to the dialect for this connection's driver
config( )
Get the configuration data used to create the connection.
configName( )
Get the configuration name for this connection.
connect( )
Connects to the configured database.
createSavePoint( string $name )
Creates a new save point for nested transactions.
delete( string $table , array $conditions [] , array $types [] )
Executes a DELETE statement on the specified table.
optional [] $types
optional [] Cake\Database\StatementInterface
disableConstraints( callable $callback )
Run an operation with constraints disabled.
$connection->disableConstraints(function ($connection) { $connection->newQuery()->delete('users')->execute(); });
Will re-throw any exception raised in $callback after rolling back the transaction.
disableForeignKeys( )
Run driver specific SQL to disable foreign key checks.
driver( Cake\Database\Driver|string|null $driver null , array $config [] )
Sets the driver instance. If a string is passed it will be treated as a class name and will be instantiated.
If no params are passed it will return the current driver instance.
|string|null $driver
optional null $config
optional [] Cake\Database\Driver
enableForeignKeys( )
Run driver specific SQL to enable foreign key checks.
enableSavePoints( boolean $enable )
Enables/disables the usage of savepoints, enables only if driver the allows it.
If you are trying to enable this feature, make sure you check the return value of this function to verify it was enabled successfully.
Returns true if drivers supports save points, false otherwise $connection->enableSavePoints(false)
Disables usage of savepoints and returns false
execute( string $query , array $params [] , array $types [] )
Executes a query using $params for interpolating values and $types as a hint for each those params.
optional [] $types
optional [] Cake\Database\StatementInterface
getSchemaCollection( )
Gets a Schema\Collection object for this connection.
inTransaction( )
Checks if a transaction is running.
insert( string $table , array $data , array $types [] )
Executes an INSERT query on the specified table.
optional [] Cake\Database\StatementInterface
isConnected( )
Returns whether connection to database server was already established.
isSavePointsEnabled( )
Returns whether this connection is using savepoints for nested transactions
log( string $sql )
Logs a Query string using the configured logger object.
logQueries( boolean|null $enable null )
Enables or disables query logging for this connection.
optional null whether to turn logging on or disable it. Use null to read current value.
logger( object|null $instance null )
Sets the logger object instance. When called with no arguments it returns the currently setup logger instance.
optional null Cake\Datasource\ConnectionInterface::logger()
newQuery( )
Create a new Query instance for this connection.
prepare( string|Cake\Database\Query $sql )
Prepares a SQL statement to be executed.
query( string $sql )
Executes a SQL statement and returns the Statement object as result.
quote( mixed $value , string|null $type null )
Quotes value to be used safely in database query.
optional null quoteIdentifier( string $identifier )
Quotes a database identifier (a column name, table name, etc..) to be used safely in queries without the risk of using reserved words.
releaseSavePoint( string $name )
Releases a save point by its name.
rollbackSavepoint( string $name )
Rollback a save point by its name.
run( Cake\Database\Query $query )
Executes the provided query after compiling it for the specific driver dialect and returns the executed Statement object.
schemaCollection( Cake\Database\Schema\Collection $collection null )
Gets or sets a Schema\Collection object for this connection.
optional null Cake\Database\Schema\Collection
setDriver( Cake\Database\Driver|string $driver , array $config [] )
Sets the driver instance. If a string is passed it will be treated as a class name and will be instantiated.
|string $driver
optional [] Cake\Database\Exception\MissingDriverException
setSchemaCollection( Cake\Database\Schema\Collection $collection )
Sets a Schema\Collection object for this connection.
supportsDynamicConstraints( )
Returns whether the driver supports adding or dropping constraints to already created tables.
supportsQuoting( )
Checks if the driver supports quoting.
transactional( callable $callback )
Executes a callable function inside a transaction, if any exception occurs while executing the passed callable, the transaction will be rolled back If the result of the callable function is false
, the transaction will also be rolled back. Otherwise the transaction is committed after executing the callback.
$connection->transactional(function ($connection) { $connection->newQuery()->delete('users')->execute(); });
Will re-throw any exception raised in $callback after rolling back the transaction.
update( string $table , array $data , array $conditions [] , array $types [] )
Executes an UPDATE statement on the specified table.
optional [] $types
optional [] Cake\Database\StatementInterface
useSavePoints( boolean|null $enable null )
Returns whether this connection is using savepoints for nested transactions If a boolean is passed as argument it will enable/disable the usage of savepoints only if driver the allows it.
If you are trying to enable this feature, make sure you check the return value of this function to verify it was enabled successfully.
Returns true if drivers supports save points, false otherwise $connection->useSavePoints(false)
Disables usage of savepoints and returns false $connection->useSavePoints()
Returns current status
optional null cast( mixed $value , Cake\Database\Type|string $type )
Converts a give value to a suitable database value based on type and return relevant internal statement type
|string $type
matchTypes( array $columns , array $types )
Matches columns to corresponding types
Both $columns and $types should either be numeric based or string key based at the same time.
protected Cake\Database\Driver
Driver object, responsible for creating the real connection and provide specific SQL dialect.
protected Cake\Database\Schema\Collection
The schema collection object
protected boolean
Whether a transaction is active in this connection.
protected boolean
Whether this connection can and should use savepoints for nested transactions.
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