Object wrapper for outputting information from a shell application. Can be connected to any stream resource that can be used with fopen()
Can generate colorized output on consoles that support it. There are a few built in styles
Error messages.warning
Warning messages.info
Informational messages.comment
Additional text.question
Magenta text used for user promptsBy defining styles with addStyle() you can create custom console styles.
You can format console output using tags with the name of the style to apply. From inside a shell object
$this->out('<warning>Overwrite:</warning> foo.php was overwritten.');
This would create orange 'Overwrite:' text, while the rest of the text would remain the normal color. See ConsoleOutput::styles() to learn more about defining your own styles. Nested styles are not supported at this time.
protected resource
protected integer
Styles that are available as tags in console output. You can modify these styles with ConsoleOutput::styles()
Outputs a single or multiple messages to stdout or stderr. If no parameters are passed, outputs just a newline.
__construct( string $stream 'php://stdout' )
Construct the output object.
Checks for a pretty console environment. Ansicon and ConEmu allows pretty consoles on windows, and is supported.
optional 'php://stdout' _replaceTags( array $matches )
Replace tags with color codes.
_write( string $message )
Writes a message to the output stream.
outputAs( integer|null $type null )
Get/Set the output type to use. The output type how formatting tags are treated.
optional null styleText( string $text )
Apply styling to text.
styles( string|null $style null , array|boolean|null $definition null )
Get the current styles offered, or append new ones in.
$output->styles('annoy', ['text' => 'purple', 'background' => 'yellow', 'blink' => true]);
$this->output->styles('annoy', false);
optional null $definition
optional null The array definition of the style to change or create a style or false to remove a style.
If you are getting styles, the style or null will be returned. If you are creating/modifying styles true will be returned.
write( string|array $message , integer $newlines 1 )
Outputs a single or multiple messages to stdout or stderr. If no parameters are passed, outputs just a newline.
optional 1 protected static array
background colors used in colored output.
[ 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47 ]
protected static array
text colors used in colored output.
[ 'black' => 30, 'red' => 91, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37 ]
protected static array
Formatting options for colored output.
[ 'bold' => 1, 'underline' => 4, 'blink' => 5, 'reverse' => 7, ]
protected integer
The current output type. Manipulated with ConsoleOutput::outputAs();
protected static array
Styles that are available as tags in console output. You can modify these styles with ConsoleOutput::styles()
[ 'emergency' => ['text' => 'red'], 'alert' => ['text' => 'red'], 'critical' => ['text' => 'red'], 'error' => ['text' => 'red'], 'warning' => ['text' => 'yellow'], 'info' => ['text' => 'cyan'], 'debug' => ['text' => 'yellow'], 'success' => ['text' => 'green'], 'comment' => ['text' => 'blue'], 'question' => ['text' => 'magenta'], 'notice' => ['text' => 'cyan'] ]
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