Creates an iterator that returns elements grouped in pairs
$iterator = new ZipIterator([[1, 2], [3, 4]]); $iterator->toList(); // Returns [[1, 3], [2, 4]]
You can also chose a custom function to zip the elements together, such as doing a sum by index:
$iterator = new ZipIterator([[1, 2], [3, 4]], function ($a, $b) { return $a + $b; }); $iterator->toList(); // Returns [4, 6]
protected callable
protected array
Creates the iterator to merge together the values by for all the passed iterators by their corresponding index.
Returns the value resulting out of zipping all the elements for all the iterators with the same positional index.
Returns a string representation of this object that can be used to reconstruct it
__construct( array $sets , callable|null $callable null )
Creates the iterator to merge together the values by for all the passed iterators by their corresponding index.
optional null MultipleIterator::__construct()
current( )
Returns the value resulting out of zipping all the elements for all the iterators with the same positional index.
serialize( )
Returns a string representation of this object that can be used to reconstruct it
unserialize( string $iterators )
Unserializes the passed string and rebuilds the ZipIterator instance
_unwrap( )
append( $items )
cartesianProduct( callable $operation null , callable $filter null )
chunk( $chunkSize )
chunkWithKeys( $chunkSize , $preserveKeys true )
combine( $keyPath , $valuePath , $groupPath null )
compile( $preserveKeys true )
contains( $value )
countBy( $callback )
each( callable $c )
every( callable $c )
extract( $matcher )
first( )
firstMatch( array $conditions )
groupBy( $callback )
indexBy( $callback )
isEmpty( )
jsonSerialize( )
last( )
listNested( $dir 'desc' , $nestingKey 'children' )
match( array $conditions )
max( $callback , $type SORT_NUMERIC )
min( $callback , $type SORT_NUMERIC )
nest( $idPath , $parentPath , $nestingKey 'children' )
reduce( callable $c , $zero null )
sample( $size 10 )
shuffle( )
skip( $howMany )
some( callable $c )
sortBy( $callback , $dir SORT_DESC , $type SORT_NUMERIC )
sumOf( $matcher null )
take( $size 1 , $from 0 )
through( callable $handler )
toArray( $preserveKeys true )
toList( )
unfold( callable $transformer null )
unwrap( )
zip( $items )
zipWith( $items , $callable )
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Licensed under the MIT License.
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We are not endorsed by or affiliated with CakePHP.