

openssl_privatekey - Generate OpenSSL private keys.

New in version 2.3.


This module allows one to (re)generate OpenSSL private keys. It uses the pyOpenSSL python library to interact with openssl. One can generate either RSA or DSA private keys. Keys are generated in PEM format.

Requirements (on host that executes module)

  • python-pyOpenSSL


parameter required default choices comments
  • True
  • False
Should the key be regenerated even it it already exists
Name of the file in which the generated TLS/SSL private key will be written. It will have 0600 mode.
no 4096
Size (in bits) of the TLS/SSL key to generate
no present
  • present
  • absent
Whether the private key should exist or not, taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
no RSA
  • RSA
  • DSA
The algorithm used to generate the TLS/SSL private key


# Generate an OpenSSL private key with the default values (4096 bits, RSA)
# and no public key
- openssl_privatekey: path=/etc/ssl/private/ansible.com.pem

# Generate an OpenSSL private key with a different size (2048 bits)
- openssl_privatekey: path=/etc/ssl/private/ansible.com.pem size=2048

# Force regenerate an OpenSSL private key if it already exists
- openssl_privatekey: path=/etc/ssl/private/ansible.com.pem force=True

# Generate an OpenSSL private key with a different algorithm (DSA)
- openssl_privatekey: path=/etc/ssl/private/ansible.com.pem type=DSA

Return Values

Common return values are documented here Common Return Values, the following are the fields unique to this module:

name description returned type sample
size Size (in bits) of the TLS/SSL private key ['changed', 'success'] integer 4096
type Algorithm used to generate the TLS/SSL private key ['changed', 'success'] string RSA
filename Path to the generated TLS/SSL private key file ['changed', 'success'] string /etc/ssl/private/ansible.com.pem

This is an Extras Module

For more information on what this means please read Extras Modules

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© 2012–2016 Michael DeHaan
© 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.