Deprecated in 2.0. Use os_server instead
Create or Remove virtual machines from Openstack.
parameter | required | default | choices | comments |
auth_url | no | | The keystone url for authentication |
auto_floating_ip (added in 1.8)
| no | no | Should a floating ip be auto created and assigned |
availability_zone (added in 1.8)
| no | None | Name of the availability zone |
config_drive (added in 1.8)
| no | no | Whether to boot the server with config drive enabled |
flavor_id | no | 1 | The id of the flavor in which the new VM has to be created. Mutually exclusive with flavor_ram |
flavor_include (added in 1.8)
| no | Text to use to filter flavor names, for the case, such as Rackspace, where there are multiple flavors that have the same ram count. flavor_include is a positive match filter - it must exist in the flavor name. |
flavor_ram (added in 1.8)
| no | 1 | The minimum amount of ram in MB that the flavor in which the new VM has to be created must have. Mutually exclusive with flavor_id |
floating_ip_pools (added in 1.8)
| no | None | list of floating IP pools from which to choose a floating IP |
floating_ips (added in 1.8)
| no | None | list of valid floating IPs that pre-exist to assign to this node |
image_exclude (added in 1.8)
| no | Text to use to filter image names, for the case, such as HP, where there are multiple image names matching the common identifying portions. image_exclude is a negative match filter - it is text that may not exist in the image name. Defaults to "(deprecated)" |
image_id | yes | None | The id of the base image to boot. Mutually exclusive with image_name |
image_name (added in 1.8)
| yes | None | The name of the base image to boot. Mutually exclusive with image_id |
key_name | no | None | The key pair name to be used when creating a VM |
login_password | yes | yes | Password of login user |
login_tenant_name | yes | yes | The tenant name of the login user |
login_username | yes | admin | login username to authenticate to keystone |
meta | no | None | A list of key value pairs that should be provided as a metadata to the new VM |
name | yes | None | Name that has to be given to the instance |
nics | no | None | A list of network id's to which the VM's interface should be attached |
region_name | no | None | Name of the region |
scheduler_hints (added in 1.9)
| no | None | Arbitrary key/value pairs to the scheduler for custom use |
security_groups | no | None | The name of the security group to which the VM should be added |
state | no | present |
| Indicate desired state of the resource |
user_data (added in 1.6)
| no | None | Opaque blob of data which is made available to the instance |
wait | no | yes | If the module should wait for the VM to be created. |
wait_for | no | 180 | The amount of time the module should wait for the VM to get into active state |
# Creates a new VM and attaches to a network and passes metadata to the instance - nova_compute: state: present login_username: admin login_password: admin login_tenant_name: admin name: vm1 image_id: 4f905f38-e52a-43d2-b6ec-754a13ffb529 key_name: ansible_key wait_for: 200 flavor_id: 4 nics: - net-id: 34605f38-e52a-25d2-b6ec-754a13ffb723 meta: hostname: test1 group: uge_master # Creates a new VM in HP Cloud AE1 region availability zone az2 and automatically assigns a floating IP - name: launch a nova instance hosts: localhost tasks: - name: launch an instance nova_compute: state: present login_username: username login_password: Equality7-2521 login_tenant_name: username-project1 name: vm1 auth_url: region_name: region-b.geo-1 availability_zone: az2 image_id: 9302692b-b787-4b52-a3a6-daebb79cb498 key_name: test wait_for: 200 flavor_id: 101 security_groups: default auto_floating_ip: yes # Creates a new VM in HP Cloud AE1 region availability zone az2 and assigns a pre-known floating IP - name: launch a nova instance hosts: localhost tasks: - name: launch an instance nova_compute: state: present login_username: username login_password: Equality7-2521 login_tenant_name: username-project1 name: vm1 auth_url: region_name: region-b.geo-1 availability_zone: az2 image_id: 9302692b-b787-4b52-a3a6-daebb79cb498 key_name: test wait_for: 200 flavor_id: 101 floating_ips: - # Creates a new VM with 4G of RAM on Ubuntu Trusty, ignoring deprecated images - name: launch a nova instance hosts: localhost tasks: - name: launch an instance nova_compute: name: vm1 state: present login_username: username login_password: Equality7-2521 login_tenant_name: username-project1 auth_url: region_name: region-b.geo-1 image_name: Ubuntu Server 14.04 image_exclude: deprecated flavor_ram: 4096 # Creates a new VM with 4G of RAM on Ubuntu Trusty on a Rackspace Performance node in DFW - name: launch a nova instance hosts: localhost tasks: - name: launch an instance nova_compute: name: vm1 state: present login_username: username login_password: Equality7-2521 login_tenant_name: username-project1 auth_url: region_name: DFW image_name: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) (PVHVM) flavor_ram: 4096 flavor_include: Performance
For help in developing on modules, should you be so inclined, please read Community Information & Contributing, developing_test_pr and Developing Modules.
© 2012–2016 Michael DeHaan
© 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.