

git_config - Read and write git configuration

New in version 2.1.


The git_config module changes git configuration by invoking ‘git config’. This is needed if you don’t want to use template for the entire git config file (e.g. because you need to change just user.email in /etc/.git/config). Solutions involving command are cumbersone or don’t work correctly in check mode.

Requirements (on host that executes module)

  • git


parameter required default choices comments
  • yes
  • no
List all settings (optionally limited to a given scope)
The name of the setting. If no value is supplied, the value will be read from the config if it has been set.
Path to a git repository for reading and writing values from a specific repo.
  • local
  • global
  • system
Specify which scope to read/set values from. This is required when setting config values. If this is set to local, you must also specify the repo parameter. It defaults to system only when not using list_all=yes.
When specifying the name of a single setting, supply a value to set that setting to the given value.


# Set some settings in ~/.gitconfig
- git_config: name=alias.ci scope=global value=commit
- git_config: name=alias.st scope=global value=status

# Or system-wide:
- git_config: name=alias.remotev scope=system value="remote -v"
- git_config: name=core.editor scope=global value=vim
# scope=system is the default
- git_config: name=alias.diffc value="diff --cached"
- git_config: name=color.ui value=auto

# Make etckeeper not complain when invoked by cron
- git_config: name=user.email repo=/etc scope=local value="root@{{ ansible_fqdn }}"

# Read individual values from git config
- git_config: name=alias.ci scope=global
# scope=system is also assumed when reading values, unless list_all=yes
- git_config: name=alias.diffc

# Read all values from git config
- git_config: list_all=yes scope=global
# When list_all=yes and no scope is specified, you get configuration from all scopes
- git_config: list_all=yes
# Specify a repository to include local settings
- git_config: list_all=yes repo=/path/to/repo.git

Return Values

Common return values are documented here Common Return Values, the following are the fields unique to this module:

name description returned type sample
config_value When list_all=no and value is not set, a string containing the value of the setting in name success string vim
config_values When list_all=yes, a dict containing key/value pairs of multiple configuration settings success dictionary {'core.editor': 'vim', 'color.ui': 'auto', 'alias.diffc': 'diff --cached', 'alias.remotev': 'remote -v'}
name description returned type sample

This is an Extras Module

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© 2012–2016 Michael DeHaan
© 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.