

cl_license - Install Cumulus Linux license

New in version 2.1.


Installs a Cumulus Linux license. The module reports no change of status when a license is installed. For more details go the Cumulus Linux License Documentation at http://docs.cumulusnetwork.com and the Licensing KB Site at https://support.cumulusnetworks.com/hc/en-us/sections/200507688


parameter required default choices comments
  • True
  • False
Force installation of a license. Typically not needed. It is recommended to manually run this command via the ansible command. A reload of switchd is not required. Running the force option in a playbook will break the idempotent state machine of the module and cause the switchd notification to kick in all the time, causing a disruption.
The full path to the license. Can be local path or HTTP URL.


Example playbook using the cl_license module to manage licenses on Cumulus Linux

   - hosts: all
       - name: install license using http url
         cl_license: src=''
         notify: restart switchd

       - name: Triggers switchd to be restarted right away, before play, or role
               is over. This is desired behaviour
         meta: flush_handlers

       - name: configure interfaces
         template: src=interfaces.j2 dest=/etc/network/interfaces
         notify: restart networking

       - name: restart switchd
         service: name=switchd state=restarted
       - name: restart networking
         service: name=networking state=reloaded


# Force all switches to accept a new license. Typically not needed
ansible -m cl_license -a "src='' force=yes"  -u root all


Return Values

Common return values are documented here Common Return Values, the following are the fields unique to this module:

name description returned type sample
msg human-readable report of success or failure always string interface bond0 config updated
changed whether the interface was changed changed bool True



To activate a license for the FIRST time, the switchd service must be restarted. This action is disruptive. The license renewal process occurs via the Cumulus Networks Customer Portal - http://customers.cumulusnetworks.com.


A non-EULA license is REQUIRED for automation. Manually install the license on a test switch, using the command “cl-license -i <license_file>” to confirm the license is a Non-EULA license. See EXAMPLES, for the proper way to issue this notify action.

This is a Core Module

For more information on what this means please read Core Modules

For help in developing on modules, should you be so inclined, please read Community Information & Contributing, developing_test_pr and Developing Modules.

© 2012–2016 Michael DeHaan
© 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.